Our Philosophy of Nutrition
As Lider Petfood we are aware of importance of nutrition to our pets’ healthy and long life span. Impact of well and balanced nutrition on pets’ health is well known, besides this nutritional requirements may vary according to animal species, breed, age, and some physiological conditions. In this sense, fulfilling these specific requirements via diet bears vital importance. Product development and R&D facilities of Lider Pet Food work in cooperation with higher national scientific institutions, and reference national and international laboratories and reserach centers. In this regard, our products do not only possess best biochemical, physical, microbiological, and toxicological properties, but also impart highest “palatability”, the most significant for our valuable pet friends. The sustainability of “high quality” standarts are secured with quality control protocols and laboratories which is rare in global petfood manufacturers.
As Lider Petfood we will continue to be beside you and our pet friends with our nutrition model targeting only scientifically proved concepts, not every popular trend having no scientific evidence or presenting only conclusion of commercial pet food market.